lol dude this song is the s**t
ok first things first, i dont review your songs as much as i should....who am i kidding you seriously are my favorite artist on the portal, im sorry bout the cd thing i really wish i wasnt so friggin lazy. this song is so awesome though lol (damn newgrounds for the're file size limit) now i know many ppl don't have the full version of either this or Aquanox, but omg the full of both are incredible only cuz the cutting takes away from the beauty of this song :( but im basing this on the full ;) anyone reading this (if its ok with you tf) really should ask him for the full version of this or just buy his cd. words cant describe how much better the real thing is. so enough said good job tf. sorry i didnt review this sooner!
your next biggest fan next to captcrunch22 TranceX P.S. to reader I command you to get the full Aquanox..its crazy!